Monday 16 July 2012

Natural Petal Confetti

There was a window of opportunity when the sun was shining and we decided to eat outside.  I quickly got my secateurs and cut some of the lovely delphiniums that we use for natural petal confetti to put on the garden table.  These gorgeous little stems  in pale blue, pink and raspberry, just some of the colours available in natural confetti available on our website

Saturday 14 July 2012

Bespoke Confetti

We put this gorgeous basket of confetti together for a wedding today in Virginia Water.  Pale green cones made from gorgeous paper that we sourced from France.  The cones are filled with ivory delphiniums.   The mother of the bride bought this basket and filled it with 50 of the little cones, decorated the handle with gorgeous ribbon and here is the result.  Just beautiful bespoke confetti!  We are hoping and praying that the weather stayed fine today for the lovely bride and we look forward to some fab pics.  With the brides permission we shall be publishing the photos really soon!