Friday 21 June 2013

Favourite colours for 2013

These two simple colours, raspberry and ivory, certainly seem to be the favourite for 2013!
A mixture of raspberry delphinium petals and ivory delphinium petals in mulberry paper cones, or simply loose in a pretty little basket.

Friday 14 June 2013


I very often get asked for larger baskets to hold loose natural petal confetti so that guests can grab a handful in readiness for the confetti throw. I always assume that mums of brides have baskets tucked away in a cupboard or hanging in a kitchen somewhere, as I do, so I tell the brides to ask mum. Clearly, I am not always correct and by public demand, I decided to source some lovely baskets pictured here in my garden in Culmstock. I am so thrilled with these baskets and have had some great comments since posting pictures of them on my site. Please do take a look at them on the  baskets page. They do require lots of confetti to fill them, but well worth it if there are lots of guests.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Lavender as confetti

An alternative to petals for natural petals or rice could be lavender for natural wedding confetti It smells so beautiful and if you are on a budget, it is much more reasonable. Try it with a mix of marigold petals to give a warm gold and blue colour mix.